BSRUN postponed events

The Steering Committee considered to move BSRUN event in Turku to 2-3 June 2021 which would give us a better opportunity to visit the lighthouse as was originally planned and hopefully also slightly better weather conditions than in Autumn 2020 in Turku. In 2021 the lighthouse will be celebrating its 115th anniversary, too. Unfortunately, we will be losing the link with the 100th anniversary of the University of Turku and the event will no longer be the 20th anniversary for BSRUN either. In any case, this summer is definitely lost.
Therefore, we have also wanted to avoid a possible second postponement of the events. All things considered, the Steering Committee agreed to move the events to 2-3 June 2021. The programme of the days including possible back to back events will be available in due course.
We also had a plan to organise an event in Riga on University Governance and especially the new university boards/councils which were recently introduced in Poland where rectors’ elections this spring/summer were organised for the first time on the basis of the new legislation. The intention was to look at experiences also from countries where similar changes in legislation were introduced earlier than in Poland. This event has now been postponed till the autumn with no agreed date yet. In the meantime, we have discussed the joint work of the secretariats including the updated web site and our services to the members in general.
In February, the Steering Committee established also a working group to take a look at marketing. The Steering Committee will soon be discussing the group’s analysis and proposal. Please take care of yourselves and those near and dear to you under the current exceptional circumstances.