Turku PET Symposium 2022

You are invited to participate in the Turku PET Symposium 2022 which will be held on 3-6 June 2022 in Turku, Finland.
The Symposium is targeted to all investigators and staff working with cyclotrons, PET radiochemistry, modelling and software development, as well as preclinical and clinical PET imaging. The attendance should be particularly useful to those who are new to the field, or want to broaden their understanding of the rapidly developing research and clinical applications of PET.
The first Turku PET Symposium was organised in 1977 and this meeting already a tradition of over 40 years. The program covers the whole field from cyclotrons and radiochemistry, to preclinical and clinical applications of PET together with multimodality imaging. The scientific program consists of plenary lectures given by international leaders of each field, free papers, and posters. In addition, there will be special sessions for software developers, and technologists.
More information on the website: https://turkupet2022.fi/.