BSRUN online seminar on «Embedding Sustainable Development Goals into the Universities’ DNA»

We are happy to invite you to BSRUN online seminar on «Embedding Sustainable Development Goals into the Universities’ DNA» which will be held on 10 February at 11:00-13:00 CET (11:00-13:00 DE/PL, 12:00-14:00 LV/EE/FI, 13:00-15:00 BY/RU).
Universities have crucial role in SDGs achievement as society can ensure sustainable development through education, research and innovation. SDGs are key for any internationally competitive and responsible educational organisation, not just between now and 2030, but well beyond it. The seminar aims to share international prospective and best practices.
Keynote speaker — Zoya Zaitseva, Head of Partnerships & Charity, QS World Merit.
The seminar is open and free of charge. For registration and questions, please, contact Alyona Zainullina, BSRUN Secretariat at UNECON The registration is open until 6 February.