BSRUN Members’ News

17-31 May 2022
Riga Technical University
The newly elected Constitutional Assembly of RTU, which convened for its first meeting on 23 May, approved the new RTU Constitution. According to the recently approved new Law on Higher Education Institutions, a new Basic Law and a new Constitutional Assembly will operate at RTU from 1 June.
The new Constitutional Assembly will have to elect the next Rector of RTU. The candidates will be selected by RTU Council.
Considering that RTU is the first university to select the next rector according to the new procedure, RTU Council has decided to organise the rector elections according to the principles of good governance, creating a detailed and transparent rector selection process.
According to the current plan developed by RTU Council, it is planned to elect the new Rector by the beginning of January 2023. The elected rector will be approved by RTU Council and will have to start work within three months.