President’s address to the Steering Committee

BSRUN started its existence with high hopes in Turku Castle when the University of Turku celebrated its 80th anniversary in February 2000… (Full text inside)

President’s Season’s Greetings

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (Full text inside)

BSRUN Members’ News

17-31 May 2022


Apply for CAROTS 2.0 STARTUP SCHOOL from 4 February to 10 April!

BSRUN online seminar on «Embedding Sustainable Development Goals into the Universities’ DNA»

We are happy to invite you to BSRUN online seminar on Embedding SDGs into the Universities’ DNA on 10 February!

NWIM RANEPA invites students to apply for international MSc programmes

MSc “Hospitality enterprise management: specifics of doing business in Russia” and “Modern European law and International integration”. And new collaboration in BSR.

BSRUN Bulletin – December 2021

New issue of BSRUN Bulletin!