BSRUN online seminar on «Embedding Sustainable Development Goals into the Universities’ DNA»
We are happy to invite you to BSRUN online seminar on Embedding SDGs into the Universities’ DNA on 10 February!

BSRUN seminar “How to enhance the cooperation of Business, Economics and Management (BEM) universities and faculties?”
We are glad to invite you to BSRUN BEM seminar! 15 October, 10.00-13.00 CET.

Online seminar “University Governance Reform in Poland – Expectations and Experiences”
ONLINE SEMINAR IN ZOOM “UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE REFORM IN POLAND – EXPECTATIONS AND EXPERIENCES” Friday, 11 June 2021 (13-15 EEST i.e. Riga 12-14 CEST i.e. Warsaw) In 2010, BSRUN defined itself as a network for University Governance, Management and Administration. Our slogan is BSRUN for Strategy and Practice. More recently, e.g. University Campus Management and Development […]

Updated information on seminar “University Governance Reforms – Expectations and Experiences”
“University Governance Reforms – Expectations and Experiences” 6 May 2021 11.00 -13.30 EEST (Riga) In the 1990’s many future members of BSRUN (Baltic Sea Region University Network) from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania participated in TEMPUS projects on University Management and Administration. When BSRUN was founded on the initiative of the University of Turku in […]

Online seminar “University Governance Reforms – Expectations and Experiences” (6 May 2021, 11.00-13.30 EEST (Riga))
We are happy to announce BSRUN online seminar on “University Governance Reforms – Expectations and Experiences”, which will take place on 6 May 2021, 11.00-13.30 EEST (Riga).

Online seminar “UN Sustainable Development Goals in Universitites” (29 April 2021, 11.00-13.30 EEST (Riga))
Universities has crucial role in the achievement of the SDGs as society can ensure sustainable development via education, research and innovation. It is vital to understand how universities can effectively use SDGs in their everyday activities.

Online Seminar “Re-Inventing Student’ Housing” (25 March 2021, 10.00-12.30 CET)
Mobility of students increases and is expected to pick up again after COVID-19. Demand for
modern and high-quality dormitories increases.

BSRUN postponed events
The Steering Committee considered to move BSRUN event in Turku to 2-3 June 2021 which would give us a better opportunity to visit the lighthouse as was originally planned and hopefully also slightly better weather conditions than in Autumn 2020 in Turku. In 2021 the lighthouse will be celebrating its 115th anniversary, too. Unfortunately, we […]

BSRUN 20th Anniversary
BSRUN 20th anniversary will be organised back to back with Baltic Sea Science Day of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (BSSD CBSS) in Turku on 4 June 2020 in University of Turku.